Light folding chairs

Light folding chairs

Trekking chairs are an essential piece of outdoor gear for anyone who enjoys spending time in nature. These chairs are designed to be portable, lightweight and comfortable, making them the perfect accessory for camping, picnicking and other outdoor activities. In the CampingRocks store, we offer Robens and Nomad brand models in various styles and designs. They are made of light but durable materials such as aluminum, steel or polymer with high resistance to atmospheric influences. The folding chairs in our assortment include several series: extra compact and lightweight, suitable for trekking and fishing when you are looking for minimalism; relaxation and rest chairs where you can relax completely with a book or laptop, dinner and work chairs which often have higher backs and give more support to the back and lower back.

  1. Sea to Summit Air Chair
    Sea to Summit Sea to Summit Air Chair
    As low as EUR 35.20 Regular Price EUR 45.40 With VAT
  2. Robens Traveler Ground Chair Black
    Robens Robens Traveler Ground Chair Black
    Special Price EUR 30.10 Regular Price EUR 40.28 With VAT