Terms for using, purchasing, returns
In case you're not happy with the purchase you've made, you are welcome to return it. Just please keep in mind that in order to accept your return the product should be:
- brand new and not being used
- returned to us within 30 days of receiving it
- with its original packaging, labels and tags attached
We process the returns same day after recieving them! Please keep in mind it could take 4-5 days for the refund to appear into your account.
Browsing, searching, using and purchasing from www.campingrocks.bg is an easy and pleasant experience.
We constantly try to improve our services and enlarge our product range with the most relaible brands, so when you place your order online you can be sure that you will be getting the best outdoor gear, together with a speedy delivery and professional advice if necessary.
In order to be able to purchase from www.campingrocks.bg you just have to:
- Accurately fill in the required personal registration and delivery details. However failure to supply accurate, up to date personal information that results in a delay or non-delivery of your order shall be your responsibility.
- Ensure that someone is available at the provided address to receive the delivery. We accept no liability for delays in receiving the order due to no one being available at the address provided. In order to do so, once your order is ready to be shipped we will inform you of the courier company and provide you with a tracking code if possible.