Camping dishes and mugs are an essential item of equipment for those who love camping, hiking and other outdoor activities. Here you can see models of the Outwell, Primus, Sea to Summit and Robens brands. Outdoor gear is designed to be lightweight, durable and easy to pack, making it an ideal choice for use in the field. They are usually made of lightweight materials such as non-toxic plastic, silicone rubber or stainless steel. . These materials are lightweight and resistant to breaking or tearing. At CampingRocks we offer Sea to Summit and Outwell collapsible kits that can be stacked inside each other to help save space when packing. Primus products, made of stainless steel with a discreet logo, as well as Outwell's melamine sets (a plastic that does not retain unpleasant odors and is resistant to breakage) have a more luxurious look. If you hesitate in choosing the right kit for your needs, you can always turn to our team for advice and consultation.