
If you feel that the purchased product does not fit your needs, you are welcome to return it back to us within 30 days of purchase, as long as it hasn't been used and the manufacturer labels haven't been torn down. Upon your request we can make a refund for the amount paid (excluding the shipping costs) or exchange it with another model / size / colour at your wish.


Please let us know by sending us an email to [email protected] or by clicking HERE and state your name, email and order number.


You can send the product/s back to us to this address: 


Company Name: Colonial OOD

Address: 137 Philip Kutev Str. 

City: Sofia

Zip Code: 1000

Country: Bulgaria

Contact person: Mihail Grebenarov

Telephone: +359 89 6270674


Please note that the return cost should be paid by the customer so you are welcome to use any courier you'd like. We can recommend DHL or DPD.


Once the product is back in our warehouse, we will issue a refund back to your account. Please note that it might take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your account.


If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us back!